Interdisciplinary technologist and digital security trainer

async/await vs .then() in JS Promises

Promises are at the core of asynchronous programming in JavaScript, but sometimes the patterns surrounding their use can be really confusing. First of all, there are two main things you can do with promises: *create* and *handle* them. This post will be mainly focused on the latter...
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Dynamic Programming with Python

Today I worked on a LeetCode problem called House Robber: given an array of numbers, each representing the amount of money in the house, find the maximum amount of money you can rob without robbing neighboring houses.
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Hardware hacking with Arduino, Neopixels, and MTA data

As a New Yorker, I've had this dream, for awhile now - to be able to glance at a display on my wall and know when my train is coming. The MTA has a website: that provides this experience, but the user experience is pretty terrible and you can't even bookmark your subway stop.
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Fast AI - Notes on Stochastic Gradient Descent

In the last third of the lesson 2 video, Jeremy goes into detail about linear regression and stochastic gradient descent. I found this part of the lesson really helpful, so I took some in depth notes!
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Setting Up Fast AI on RC's Community Cluster

RC's community cluster is a great resource to take advantage of! I had a rough time getting the Fast AI course set up, so I wrote down some instructions (hopefully) help others save some time.
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